By participating in a health information exchange, doctors and other health care personnel are permitted to use and share your health information through a health exchange network for HIPAA-permitted purposes only.
Your electronic health information is made accessible only to doctors and health care personnel providing you with medical care. Your electronic health information is stored only within each treating provider’s secure electronic medical record system.
The two health information exchanges that UC San Diego Health participates in only store your identifying information and some markers about where you have received care. The health information exchanges do not store any clinical information about you. They are only a means of exchanging information.
This means that UC San Diego Health may share your personal health information with:
At a minimum, lists of your ongoing health conditions, medications, and allergies are shared with other participating providers. Your lab and procedure results and physician notes can be exchanged with some but not all health information exchange participants.
Certain types of sensitive health information (such as psychotherapy notes, records of substance use treatment, and genetic testing) may not be disclosed under federal laws without the patient's prior written authorization.
Your or your personal representative may elect to opt-out of health information exchanges at any time and without any effect on your access to care at UC San Diego Health. Opting out prevents your personal health information from being shared in the health information exchanges, with two exceptions:
Your opt-out notification will apply to both Care Everywhere and San Diego Health Connect. Please allow up to two business days for processing an opt-out request.
You may choose one of the following three methods to notify UC San Diego Health of your decision to opt out of or opt in to the health information exchanges:
UC San Diego Health will notify individuals or their personal representatives about:
For patients who do not opt out, health care participants are permitted to use and share patient information through the health information network for any HIPAA-permitted purpose.
Additionally, California state law allows mental health patient information, pharmacy records, communicable disease records, and home health care records to be accessed and disclosed for permitted purposes through the health information exchange network, except that participants may not make available to the health information exchange any psychotherapy notes, substance abuse treatment records, or other types of health information that may not be disclosed under applicable federal laws without the patient's prior written authorization.